Sunday, July 13, 2014


I received an e-mail this morning from the management for the show this weekend. Initially, I thought it was my ride times, then remembered entries don't close until tomorrow. Yep, they cancelled the show. As much as I wanted to go, with all of the unknowns going on this week, it's probably better to not have a show adding to the stress. I want to go have fun, not be there stressing about the horses that we have running. So whatever, there will be more shows.

Beefs wasn't very happy about it though. He likes to show.
There's really no other news to report and I still haven't felt well enough to ride. The racehorses haven't done anything spectacular enough lately to talk about. So enjoy a couple of random pics from the last few days :)

Princess trying out my BoT pad.

Zorro now insists on riding on the hay in the cart while we feed.

If a bale isn't available ,a flake will work.

Clean tack

We've only had him back for a week and I am in no way responsible for the state of his mane. There's no quick way to fix THAT!


  1. Oh bummer!! I love showing and hate when they get canceled. Also, I'd love to get my hands on that last horse's mane. There's something so satisfying about taking a wild-child mane and making it look great. I know, I'm a weirdo. :)

    1. Not at all. It definitely needs tamed. I had it pulled well before he went to California and Idaho, idiot proof to maintain, and I think someone took scissors to it. Scissors! I would totally be cool with someone else fixing it for me :) I've lost ambition when it comes to manes lately.

  2. Sorry to hear about the show being cancelled, hopefully you get a full refund & can now concentrate on healing up and playing with all the cute TBs without worrying.
    As you say there will be other shows - hopefully with better timing.

    On another note, did you ever get a chance to have a closer look at that Dressage Anywhere website as an alternative to hauling out for shows?

    1. I did :) I've really been wanting to do it, just need to get to a dressage arena or to get one set up. Now that I think about it, I need to make entering one of the classes a priority before I leave here!

    2. Please let me know if you do as it is something I'm really curious about :)

  3. Sad they cancelled the show, but at least you won't have to be antsy waiting to see what avenue you'll take to make it all work out!!

    1. It definitely helps make this week easier.

  4. Disappointing, but sounds like it might actually have worked out for the best.

    1. It did and there are always more shows. I'll get to one eventually :)

  5. WHYYYYYYY does anyone do manes with scissors? Just no. Leave it long if that's all the motivation you have.

    1. Tell me about it. At the very least, learn how to use a mane knife correctly. And that's only if they have thin mane.

  6. Hello! Come and give Dressage Anywhere a go! We've got instructions on how to set up a grass arena if you don't have access to a sand school. BD List 1 and 2 judges judge all our competitions and you'll receive a copy of your scoresheet to download and save.


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