Wednesday, October 1, 2014

A Work in Progress's Confessions of the Worst Dressage Queen Ever

A great idea from A Work in Progress. My fiancé always says I'm a not a dressage queen, but I'm definitely a dressage princess. So, while I have my dressage queen tendencies, here are the reasons I'm not on the throne:

I am absolutely and completely a totally unorganized mess. My tack is rarely clean, my boots only polished for special occasions, and all of my equipment is randomly shoved into a few tupperwares. I'm always the jack ass that sends in my show entries at the very last minute (or even late). Inevitibaly, I end up scrounging at the last minute to find my binder (which is actually organized) with my registration papers and memberships. The same goes for my show clothes. In short, I never have my shit together.

I don't care about bloodlines.  Honestly, I just ride them. Someone else can worry about the latest and greatest breeding. My only concern is the dressage, which means training. That's what is important to me. If I like a horse, I like the horse, and I would never discount one just because of their bloodlines/breed.

I'm no longer impressed by what other people have when it comes to dressage. I don't care what they have accomplished or if they own all the coolest tack or the biggest breeding farm in the area. If they're jerks, I don't need to have anything to do with them. In short, I don't really give a damn if I fit in or not. I also don't care if I impress them. I'm not doing this to become a prototype. Honestly, not caring has enabled me to fit in better than trying to pull off the dressage queen act would.

I also don't clip ears and noses. I started dressage with a very traditional trainer and we not only didn't clip the ears and noses, but weren't allowed to. It just kind of stuck.

I probably come across as not taking showing seriously. I laugh, I joke around. There is no reason I can think of that we can't smile and say good morning to other competitors. I have fun. I'm more relaxed and ride better at shows for the most part. It's where I'm the happiest and I'm not going to kill that by being nervous and uptight the whole time. Having this attitude about showing has taken time and I'm just happy to feel so comfortable out there. Just because this is a disciplined and traditional sport doesn't mean it can't be fun. It's not that I don't take showing seriously, it's that I'm lucky to be able to and I'm going to enjoy it as much as I can.

I might have subtle bling on my browband, but I don't want much more shiny crap than that on my horses. I will admit that I'm loving the more adventurous colors of coats that people are starting to wear. I also like that shorter coats are in. It's a real bitch when you are sitting on your damn coat and miserable just because of tradition.

I'm not going to sit there and have a conversation about how bad someone rides or their horse's slack of talent. They are out there trying and shouldn't be put down for doing so. So, unless the person in question is just a completely ignorant ass, and probably even if they are, I'm not going to get in on some catty commentary. This isn't highschool and I don't need to act like a teenager.

I always ride in tall boots and breeches, but I still never really look put together. I don't always tuck my shirt in and I often forget a belt. I always end up covered in dirt and don't really care if I don't look perfect for every day riding.


I hate my horses being in stalls. I would rather they be happy, stay more fit, and be calmer due to being out in a pasture or at least a run. The more they can be a horse, the better.

My horses are not my babies. I did not give birth to them and my favorite thing about them is that they are horses, not people. So why would I want to humanize them? Since they aren't my babies, I don't baby them. That doesn't mean that they don't get treated well. Just because I love them doesn't mean they aren't going to get into trouble if they are walking all over me or take a chunk out of my arm. I think that they enjoy a few minutes of hand grazing just as much as they do treats and it doesn't create bad habits. 

*I don't care if other people call their horses their "babies", it just makes me cringe when someone refers to my relationship with mine that way.

I guess that's about it. :)


  1. I agree x million!
    I don't clip ears and beards and I like my horses to be horses as much as possible. Which is convienient for me...because pasture board is cheaper :)

  2. These are great! And they remind me of several I forgot: I rarely clean my tack, it actually lasts longer that way. Frequent washing rots the stitching. I am horribly disorganized when it comes to my paperwork. I don't have a binder, all my paperwork lives in the center console of my truck. I was once scratched from a show because I couldn't find my USEF registration before my start time... I always smile and laugh during my tests, why not? One of my favorite comments from my tests was the time all the judge wrote in my collective marks was, "Nice smile." And you'll never hear me talking smack. One of the biggest reasons I started running the shows for my GMO and the reason I continue to do it is so that I could encourage and foster a supportive environment in our shows. There's no smack talking at my shows, and I make sure to shut the rail birds down. None of us are that good, and we all still have a lot to learn. I consider my horses my partners, not my babies. We can pal around and have fun, but they have to work as hard as I do and respect is mutual.

    1. Well said! I also love that all of your paper work is in your console :)

  3. I agree, its all about performance with the pony, also no matter someone's race, gender identity, orientation, religious or political affiliation there are jerks in every slot and you don't need to deal with jerkiness :)

  4. See, this just made me want to show with you. :) I'm a stickler for clean tack, and am constantly surprised by how many big name riders and trainers don't clean or take care of their stuff. For me, it's a money issue. I can't afford to replace something, so I meticulously clean the dirt and grime off of everything to keep it in peak shape and spot places that need repair before it's too late. But otherwise, yes! Dressage Queen behavior can be so negative, and squash the fun out of everything. Just say no!

    1. Showing with you would be awesome :) I'm all for clean tack, I'm just usually so strapped for time that it becomes my last priority. BNRs and BNTs should definitely have clean tack. Definitely no to DQ behavior.

  5. Love all these non-dq traits. I joke and call my horse my child, but really his relationship is much more like my partner and friend. I do feed treats, but demand respect at all times and cannot handle bad ground manners.

    1. I don't have a problem with treats, just when people try using them to stop bad behavior instead of correcting their horse :) If your horse is polite about them, they're okay.

  6. I think I can agree with 99% of everything you've said here, and I don't think any of it strictly relates to dressage.....can I borrow some of these for Jumper Land? :)

    1. Definitely! I think Shannon set it up for eventer's and H/Js too :)

  7. Preach it! As a "dressage princess" as well, I agree with 99% of everything you said. Okay, probably 100%. I respect your attitude of you do you, I'll do me. Mad props yo.

  8. Maybe if I knew more people with your healthy attitude toward shows, I'd be more inclined to do them. I've never set foot in a competitive arena (of any discipline) because, well, it just seems too catty/stuffy/stickuptheassy for me. And I *love* that you think horses should be, you know, horses :)

    1. Thank you. There really are a lot of good people in the show world. The problem is that it is always the jerks that stick out and make it look bad. Then there are the ones that think it is trendy to be an ass, like it's expected.

  9. Love this post! People always joke that my horse is my 'baby' and as much as I love and appreciate her, she's still a horse and I like her that way. I get enough people time-I don't ride to hang with people. :)

  10. Totally on board with this post! I'm a big advocate of the not taking the time to find matching socks, and sometimes I go straight to the barn from work and wind up wearing work blouses. Looks totally ridiculous, but who the hell cares?! :) I do shave my pony's beard; if I didn't he'd look like a cow. A very wise, very hairy cow.

    1. When it comes to clothes, I figure if you're comfortable then you're good to go :) There's nothing wrong with clipping them, I just don't have the DQ mentality where it drives me nuts if they aren't clipped.

  11. Blogger ate my post! D:

    Love the post. love the uniquely matched argyle. love you love the blog. off the charts in awesome.

    1. Blogger can be such an ass about that sometimes! You're so sweet :) Thank you so much!

  12. Great post!! I love this. You did a good job with it. :D

  13. Love it. I am also strapped for time. Would rather get more riding time and sacrifice other things as a result. Riding/actual horse interaction is more important than shiny tack and perfect outfits. Can't wait til Frisco can go out 24/7!

  14. love your attitude - esp re showing: we *are* privileged to be out there and it *should* be fun :)

    1. Definitely :) If it's not fun, then what's the point?

  15. Carolin from GermanyOctober 1, 2014 at 12:24 PM

    You are a great person, Jodi! I really miss you! I can actually hear you saying all that :-) Wanna come over for a lesson? ;-)

    1. Aw thanks Carolin! I miss you too!!! I would like to come over there for about five years worth of lessons ;) A clinician that I rode with was trying to get me to go. I think I need to get a little better first, but hopefully one day :)

  16. I like your style :) Excellent perspective on horses, showing, and just being yourself.

  17. Love so much about this post! No matter which show ring you're in, it should be about fun, not drama or bitchiness. I am also glad I'm not the only one with dirty tack, although my socks always match. But that's only because all I have are black socks, so my chances of matching are 100%! ;)

  18. I wish more people had your attitude about showing!

    1. Thanks :) It took me a while to get that attitude, I definitely had my moments. I think that there are really good people in the show world, we just don't notice them as much because they don't cause problems. That's what I'm hoping anyway.

  19. Welcome to my blog! I'm a lot like you when it comes to being a dressage queen (not). And my horses are definitely more ranch horse than pampered pet -- and I know they are happier that way.

    1. Thank you! I'm looking forward to getting caught up on your blog. I would imagine they are very happy :)

  20. Perfect post! I agree with everything you said.

    Our horses are out all day and sometimes all night if they don't want to come in. It's up to them. I like that they get to be horses and roam the pastures as much as they want to.

    As for showing, we did it for too many years to count. Some people could be really nice and lots of fun. Then there were those others who just made it miserable. What's the sense of showing if it's not fun. You've certainly got the right idea.

    Oh, and I was always dirty because unlike the "rich" folks we did all our own grooming and braiding etc.


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