Tuesday, November 11, 2014

All Together

I moved Winn to the same barn as Indy. It's absolutely wonderful to have them in the same spot, even if my board bill does make me want to cry. It's worth every penny. Winn has settled in well and he seems pretty happy. He needs shod, so I've only lunged and turned him out so far. He'll get shod on Thursday and then we'll get back to real work.

His half assed effort at playing during turnout.

Big nerd.

Indy is doing a little better. Today was her day off and I just hand walked her. Yesterday, she was pissed off from the second I took her out of the stall. She had a slight temper tantrum when I first got on, but we eventually worked through it and ended on a really good note. This was a huge deal when it comes to Indy because usually when she starts off bad, she just gets worse. Being able to work through this was huge! We have a lesson on Friday, fingers crossed that she is at least somewhat willing to work with me....

Indy decided that the mounting block is a demon. When I led her by it today she decided to squeal and strike at it. Yeah, that's one I haven't seen before....

But she's usually cute, so I guess I still like her ;)


  1. They're both gorgeous horses. Indy sounds like an interesting personality.

    1. Thanks! There certainly aren't many dull moments around her.

  2. Winn is so handsome, looks like he settled right in!

  3. Ah difficult horses, I feel your pain. One day they get it, then it's on to fighting about something new.

    Did I miss something? Who's Winn? Why is he so darn handsome?!

    1. I've had Winn for a while, but he's been turned out in Phoenix. It's a really long story, but I'm trying to get back on track with him and maybe sell him. He certainly thinks he's handsome :)

  4. I love Winn's face - so manly and handsome!

    And Indy... well... hopefully she'll come around. LOL

  5. Winn is soo cute! and glad Indy was able to give you some good work despite a bad start... hope she remembers that she was able to be finished after the good and learns from that...

    1. Thank you! It would be nice, but I kind of doubt it. Hopefully...

  6. Wow, Winn's a looker! And Indy is pretty stinking cute, too. Good thing since she sounds like she can be a handful :)

  7. He is lovely! Can't wait to hear more about him!

    1. Thank you :) I'll probably be posting a lot about him soon.

  8. Two gorgeous dancing ponies.

    1. Aw thanks! Now if they would just dance when I want them to.

  9. Oooh, I want to hear more about Winn. He is pretty.

  10. Pretty ponies! And odd looking mounting block! Never seen one like that :)
    I see the palm trees in one pic and all I can say is damn you!!!! The high today was 7. Don't you miss Denver? ;)

    1. Haha! I love Denver, but would be the biggest wimp in that cold. I hope it warms up soon.

  11. Hehehe both of them are beautiful, even if she randomly attacks mounting blocks. :)

    1. Thanks! Not going to lie, the attack if the mounting block surprised me.

  12. They are both so cute! Love the paint! And that's a new one for me too--an E-VIL mounting block that must be destroyed! LOL!

  13. They're both lovely. :D
    Gotta love a pro-active mare. *resorts to striking, when glaring with pinned ears isn't enough*

  14. I can't imagine having two horses at different locations -- it has to be great to finally have them both in the same place!


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