Friday, September 6, 2013


I haven't written a post for quite a while due to the absolute insanity of the last couple of weeks. My trip home was amazing, if slightly hectic, and extremely refreshing.

After getting moved from Denver to Albuquerque, the drive to Boise began. I realize flying would have been easier, yet absolutely hate it and prefer to drive whenever possible. In hind sight, I must be getting older because driving was a lot rougher on me than I expected it to be. It was still less stressful than flying though and the time to myself was actually nice.

I made it to Boise at about noon the next day, just in time for my friend's bachelorette party. We spent the afternoon at Beerfest then headed downtown to dinner and drinks at The Reef. The rest of the night was spent at a few different bars. Probably one too many;) I felt like death warmed over the next day, but it was completely worth it. We had so much fun!


Aly, the bride, and her mom

Such a pretty evening

Lots of laughs

Matching bride glasses

Us with a couple of photo bombers
Eric Lynn Photography

After spending most of the day recovering, it was off to visit three of the best friends a girl could have. We don't get to spend much time together anymore, but when we do, it's like we were never apart. They have all become such amazing, strong women and wonderful mothers. I will always adore them and am so proud that they are my friends!

"We don't really change, we just keep getting better" :)

The next day my mom and I took a road trip to Othello, WA to see my brother and his family. It's been way too long since I have seen my oldest nephew, Dylan. He's grown up so fast! What a great kid! My other nephew, Mason, is going to be a heartbreaker and is so incredibly smart. Addie, my niece, is beyond adorable. She is the stealer of the show and can keep a person laughing all day. She is also extremely tough! I can't brag about them enough. My brother, Shane, has always been wonderful, for the most part;) I've missed him very much! Sandy, my sister-in-law is a truly great person. I wish we lived in the same area because I would love to be able to hang out with her.

Such a good dad!

Hanging with Grandma

Fisherman hat, wife beater, cargo shorts, and muck boots with a medallion. Urban farm girl or fashionista?

They have an awesome big brother!

Too cute!


After getting back to Boise, it was a quick trip to Cambridge, ID for a visit with my Grandma Betty. She has always been a rock in my life  and going to her house brings a sense of peace that I have yet to find anywhere else. Grandma is a very kind-hearted and classy person. No matter how many years go by, she is beautiful inside and out. If I end up half as good of a person as she is, I will consider my life a success:) 

Grandma and her childhood friend

Back in Boise, I got to hang out with my mom and Ed some, there was the rehearsal dinner, a barbeque, a group pedicure at a spa, and I even managed to find time for a lesson on my mom's horse Regairo. I also stayed with my Aunt Shawna and her husband, Bob, for a couple of days. By the way, they're awesome!

Me and Reggie

On to the wedding. The hairstylist and make-up artist spent all morning on us. Talk about feeling pampered! Aly was so calm and collected throughout the whole process and I was impressed with her ability to take everything in stride. It literally took all morning to get us ready to go. Aly, Nicolette, and Ashley had to turn into temporary hair stylists to get the flower girl's hair done. She turned out gorgeous too!

Once everyone was all made up, we went to Albertson's Park for pictures. The light was perfect and Aly truly seemed to glow. She looked so beautiful! I can't wait to see the pictures.

We had about an hour to relax before the wedding, which was nice. The venue looked great! The bride and groom clearly have great taste. The ceremony went smoothly and was perfect. Appetizers, dinner, and the drinks were all delicious. The dancing was a ton of fun and probably pretty entertaining to watch...

It really was a great time and I am so happy for Aly and John! Cheers to forever!


Temporary hairsylists

In the limo

Nicolette and Ashley



Too funny

Brothers of the groom

Me and Aly

The best flower girl!

The night before going home I stayed with my dad and Ginger, his girlfriend. I really wish I could have spent more time with them.

I also managed a short stop in Twin Falls to see my friend, Megan, and her new baby Charlotte. We've been friends since I was born and she was six months old. Over twenty-nine years of friendship!

It was great to get home and there is never enough time when it comes to being around the ones you love. It definitely gets a little harder everytime I leave.

I'm now back in Albuquerque. You always have to come back down to Earth eventually and I definitely hit the ground running.  

Oh yeah, last thing. While I was away Silk Indian aka Dragon won the Harvest Stake! Our other horse, Chief Tyree, ran third in it. I was very happy with how both of them ran.

Silk Indian on the left and Chief Tyree on the right. Photo by Coady Photography

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