Thursday, May 21, 2015

Not Complaining

Please remind me that I love being in Denver.....


So I've made it a goal to not complain in this post. I like it here, I really do. So what if it has rained a bunch since I've been here? A hail storm isn't a big deal either. It only snowed once. It never hurts for most of the horses to have a few days, or a week, off because the mornings that it isn't raining the track surface is shit. That's no big deal right?

    This cutie always brightens my day!

I don't mind that our groom is still soaking up the sun in Mexico (I really don't mind because he is probably the best employee we've ever had) and that I have to spend about 70% of my day cleaning stalls (that part I really do mind). It's okay that I haven't had time to go look at barns and meet with trainers for Winn and Indy. I can always ride them here. Oh wait...I can't because I'm stuck in a cold and muddy shithole cleaning horse shit all damn freaking day long.

Sandy enjoying one of the few good days.

Okay. I'm done bitching now.

As soon as the weather improves, I'm sure that I'll be back to being happy here.  After all it's clean, mostly quiet, and laid back. We have some really awesome owners to hang out with (I'm not kissing ass, they really are THAT cool). 

There is also a super nice barn with a very good trainer that I'm going to go check out. If I can be 100% sure that I will have the time to take full advantage of such a perfect situation, it would be more than worth the investment. If not, there is the less expensive one that also looks nice, from what I've seen online.

Lucky, the two year old that is now my project. If it ever dries out here.

Indy is perfectly happy sitting in her stall eating all day. However, I've decided that she is now going to be called Fatness Evergreen until some of that food gets worked off instead of ending up on the ground for her to lay in.

Winn is happy too, other than he's pissed off that he can't have a whole bunch of luscious green grass that is growing all over the place. He thinks his new special diet is a really stupid idea. On a good note, he is sound again. 

So, all I need is for the weather to get better and our groom to return and I might actually be able to get something accomplished with my horses. Maybe.


  1. well it sure is pretty there!

  2. what a bummer about all the rain... fingers crossed it dries out soon! excited to hear more about the barn situations too

  3. I love this post!
    1) that storm picture
    2) that chestnut face
    3) fatness evergreen

    Hey, at least its not hlbq

    1. Are we the se person?!
      I had all the same thoughts reading this post!

    2. Haha! Good point. Even at it's worst this place is still 100x better than Hellbuquerque :)

  4. Just found your blog . . . . welcome to Denver!

    I haven't seen a May like this in over twenty years and I keep thinking it will finally get dry, but no. What barn are you checking out? Where are you now? It kind of looks like you are south, but it's so hard to tell.

    1. Hi! Thanks for reading! I'm in Aurora and am looking at a few barns in Parker :)

  5. I've heard the weather in Denver has been terrible! I have family in Sedalia and in downtown Denver. My sympathies! You are definitely dealing with super atypical weather and are allowed to complain :)

    1. Aw thanks! I'm really glad that this weather isn't normal :)

  6. Haha. We had a Fatniss Neverclean here. Still do, actually. ;-) Hope your groom comes back soon.

  7. Bwahaha, Fatness Evergreen is the best. Sorry your weather hasn't been cooperating. You must be under the same cloud as us in Kansas.

    1. It seems like the weather is unpleasant in a large part of the country right now.

  8. I mean... it could be Arizona, amirite?

    1. Very true. I could be cooking instead of freezing :) not sure which is worse. It really just needs to stay 70 everywhere I go.

  9. Fatniss hahahah. Sucks about the weather


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