Sunday, October 11, 2015

One Year Later

I don't think that I'll ever stop missing him.

"When you are joyous, look deep into your heart and you shall find it is only that which has given you sorrow that is giving you joy. When you are sorrowful look again in your heart, and you shall see that in truth you are weeping for that which has been your delight."

Khalil Gibran


  1. So much love & many hugs J.
    Thinking of you always

  2. Of course it still hurts. I just read back to last October and I am so sorry for your loss. There are creatures that fill our hearts (human or otherwise) and when they are gone they leave a hole. I know how hard it is- especially when it's sudden and unexpected. He was beautiful and loved.

  3. ♡♡♡
    Thank you for sharing all you have

  4. ♡♡♡
    Thank you for sharing all you have

  5. What a beautiful quote.

    I'm sure the herd I have lost over the years has welcomed him in. That's just how they roll. He's in great company.


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