Showing posts with label hoping for some luck. Show all posts
Showing posts with label hoping for some luck. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

The Unknown

I entered a schooling show which I may or may not be able to attend. Going to a show, especially just a schooling show should be an easy thing to plan and do. For people with a normal life. Mine, most definitely, is not.

So here's why:

We have an Idaho bred filly that we are aiming towards the Idaho Cup Juvenile in August. I think it's $35,000 or $40,000 guaranteed and the filly has shown a ton of talent. So it's worth going. 

Problem #1- There may or may not be trials, depending on how many entries they get. The trials are (obviously in Idaho) on the same day as the show.

Problem #2- Boise enters three days before the actual show. The closing day and last day they will refund your entries (they won't refund them for any reason whatsoever after that) is two days before  we will know whether or not the filly has to run in Boise. Okay, so the entries were only $75 and donating them to the show series wouldn't be that big of a deal. However, I could buy another couple of bonnets with that. Or a new pair of riding gloves. Or the sun protection shirt I've been wanting. Or a saddle pad. You get my point.

The fiancé will take the filly to Boise, so even if he does have to take her, I can possibly still show. This brings more challenges though.

Problem #3- If he takes her, he will use the Ford F350 (diesel) and the three horse trailer that his dad left here a few days ago when he hauled horses over from Idaho. That leaves me with the GMC 2500 (gas) to pull the big ass five horse trailer. I freaking HATE pulling the trailer with that pick-up. I will do it if it means I can show, but I'm not excited about the idea.

Problem #4- There is a race here for Gigantor that day too. If the racing secretary doesn't write an extra before we enter for that, then she will most likely be in. The fiancé said we could have our groom run her, and he's perfectly capable to do so, but I think that at least one of us should be there when she runs. We are very hands on with our horses, meaning we don't just bark orders at our groom and then sit up in the grandstands then come down to the paddock when the horse comes up for the race. We put a ton of work in ourselves on race days. Our owners know this, it's part of the reason they hired us, and they're going to expect us to be there. 

Problem #5- We just got three more horses in. If the filly goes, that leaves our groom with fifteen horses to take care of. That's a lot of work for our groom and I feel bad doing that to them.

Problem #6- The track here is talking about changing the rules here so that if you haul a horse out of the backside, you can't bring them back for 48 hours. It's a one day show. *They think this will prevent people from hauling horses out to get shockwaved. Really? With all the shit that goes on on the backside, that they do absolutely nothing about, and THIS is their biggest priority? I don't care if they try to stop it, but good freaking luck. This new rule won't accomplish anything. They're already checking tattoos to see what is coming and going. I'm pretty sure that my 9 year old OTTB who hasn't worked or run in almost five years isn't going to get hauled out, shockwaved, and then run a few days later. I already cancelled my lesson this week because I wasn't sure what was going to happen. Ugh! All of these new rules are about as worthless as tits on a boar!


So basically, we have to hope that the trials don't go. Yeah, there's a problem with that too though. The fiancé wants to be there at least four days before the race. They enter three days before. Yep, I'm probably screwed.

Okay, so entering the show was probably a really stupid idea. It's just that I haven't been able to go for one for so long and Beefs could REALLY use the experience. Plus, it's not like I just spent $300 on entries for a recognized show. Whatever, it's a step towards the right direction. Hopefully, Everything works out and I get to go.

Do you see why it is so difficult to plan a show schedule though? Yeah, I got waaayyyy too ambitious with the one I came up with for my time in Denver. Dumb ass.

*Sorry, I got giph happy. Again.