Tracy at Fly On Over is doing a great blog hop about what our daily routines as Adult Amateurs consist of.
I guess I can participate since I only show Open because I keep forgetting to do the stuff I need to in order to get my Ammy status. Plus, I score the same no matter what my status is and I kind of like showing against the real pros. You only get better by trying to compete with the best, right? Anyway, since I am really just an Ammy showing Open, I figure that I still count.
6:00 am- My phone rings. It's the Fiancé reminding me I need to climb my ass out of bed. *Yes, this is late for the track, but we've been working seven days a week for almost five years straight and we have a groom. Sleeping in a bit = justified IMO.
I guess I can participate since I only show Open because I keep forgetting to do the stuff I need to in order to get my Ammy status. Plus, I score the same no matter what my status is and I kind of like showing against the real pros. You only get better by trying to compete with the best, right? Anyway, since I am really just an Ammy showing Open, I figure that I still count.
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I wish! |
6:00 am- My phone rings. It's the Fiancé reminding me I need to climb my ass out of bed. *Yes, this is late for the track, but we've been working seven days a week for almost five years straight and we have a groom. Sleeping in a bit = justified IMO.
6:01 am- Roll over in bed and stretch to see how stiff/crippled I am and whether or not I need to jump in the shower to loosen up or if I can use that time to check email and social media.
6:35 am-Walk out the door, get in the pickup, remember whatever it was I forgot. Go grab it.
6:45 am-Stop to get whatever form of caffeine I feel like so that I don't kill anyone.
6:49 am-Guzzle said caffeine while loudly labeling other drivers as an idiot every thirty seconds.
7:05 am-I start tacking horses, putting the Thermotex on, and watching them go when I can.
8:00 am- Break on the main track. Send one to the training track.
8:15 am- Silently curse the Fiancé for scheduling two workers and a ponier to all go right after the break while I run around like a crack head trying to get them all tacked and wrapped. Forgive him when he gets back and helps me.
8:30 am- Head up to the grandstands to clock the two workers. About have a heart attack as the horse we are working almost flies up the ass of the horse that some moron is hobby-horseing right on the rail.
8:50 am- Consider climbing on and tracking one of the horses. Decide that I don't have the time or energy. Start tacking the rest of the horses that need to go for the Fiancé to take.
9:50 am- Watch the last horse go. Notice a girl, that just lets the horses run off all of the time, unintentionally work about 35 flat for 3/8 of a mile, which is pretty damn fast. Wonder why she bothers if she isn't even going to try and how long before she gets herself killed. Decide not my horse, not my problem. Then wonder about why the hell anyone would even consider putting her on a horse, decide I don't care, and head back to the barn.
10:20-11:55 am- Go through the barn with L and hold the horses that the Fiancé wants thermaled, lasered, and adjusted.
12:00 pm- Go pick up lunch
12:30 pm- Start bathing the horse that we have racing that day.
1:53 pm- The horse is bathed, iced, wrapped, bridled, stretched, etc. I grab the shammy, bag, and blinkers and head up to the paddock.
1:58 pm- Our friend that helps us in the paddock catches me up on the latest episode of As The Walker Turns (AKA the typical racetrack drama and gossip).
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My overdramatic pose for all of those As The Walker Turns fans. |
2:09 pm- The rider is legged up and they are on the track. We head up to the Turf Club to watch the race.
2:16 pm- My heart starts going about 1,000 BPM while I sit there pretending I'm not nervous at all.
2:18 The gates open and I try not to squirm or yell during the race. Most likely, we get beat because it's horse racing and you lose a hell of a lot more than you win.
2:20 pm- Try to keep the mood light after the race by making some smart ass joke. No need to get upset.
2:50 pm- The horse is on the walker cooling out, it's stall is cleaned, and I leave the SO to finish up and head out to ride my horses.
3:15-5:30 pm- Life is good as I groom, tack, and ride my horses. Who cares about the race? I have two gorgeous animals to enjoy. They are mine to do what I want with, no pressure. I never have to worry about them going off of their feed (they Hoover everything I put in front of them), if they get a bad ride it's because I'm riding them, no owners to appease (these things are completely opposite of the horses I deal with at the track). I pay a crapload of money for this privilege, but then how can you put a price on your sanity. Totally worth it.
5:35 pm- Call the Fiancé to see what he wants for dinner as I'm leaving the barn. In case you didn't notice, I don't have much time to cook.
5:37 pm- Decide that it's a scientific miracle that I'm not morbidly obese or dead with the way I've been eating lately. Try to convince myself that I need to join the gym I've been looking into and that I will be able to find the time to actually go. Forget about it as I begin to yell "Idiot!" at other drivers every thirty seconds. Again.
6:05 pm- Arrive back at the track, eat dinner, and get started on evening chores. *The Fiancé likes to feed late because the horses eat better when it's quiet and cool. I like to feed late to keep their blood sugar levels more balanced throughout the day (instead of them having three big meals in an 8-10 hour period). Either way, we like to feed late.
6:25-8:30ish pm- Feed, water, do leg work, and pick stalls.
9:00 pm- I'm finally home and want to draw, blog, read, or watch a movie.
9:20 pm- I'm completely crashed, probably drooling on my phone because I fell asleep reading my book on it.
9:55 pm- Give the SO the look of death when he wakes me up to tell me that I should probably change into some pajamas.
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Kind of what I look like when someone tries to wake me up. |
9:57 pm- I begrudgingly drag myself out of bed to get ready for bed.
10:10 pm- Crashed out sleeping in some awkward position that will inevitably cause me to wake up stiff/crippled tomorrow.
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Me showing of my lack of knowledge about golf. |
All times are subject to change when you work at a racetrack, but this is a typical race day with the exception that the post time might be different and can be the deciding factor on whether or not I ride or just turn my horses out that day. On a non-race day, I sometimes even get a couple of hours of free time to do "normal" people things. Sometimes. I even manage to squeeze a lesson in 1-2 times a week.
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Sometimes I even get to enjoy an afternoon at the races with a friend. |
Sounds like a long hard day, but fulfilling. You are an animal!
ReplyDeleteIt's fulfilling. Hectic and exhausting, but fulfilling.
DeleteOk, you definitely win for 'busiest day'! But it sounds like a great life, even though every hour is filled. Loved all the pictures!
ReplyDeleteThanks! I have to admit that it is a pretty cool life, even with it's downsides.
DeleteWhat a day! I wish I knew how to do all the awesome racetracker things you do. Oh well. ;-) I'll just keep pretending it's idyllic and warm all the time.
ReplyDeleteThe weather is definitely a bonus :) I'd have to recommend not learning all the race tracker things though, because then people expect you to do them ;)
DeleteA day is never really done at the track. And you do it over and over and over again...high fives for you!
ReplyDeleteVery true. I'd wish for more hours in the day, but that would mean that I would just have to do more work :)
DeleteI'm kind of exhausted just reading this. You are a powerhouse!
ReplyDeleteHaha! I feel like a wimp for being so exhausted most days :)
DeleteI love long days at the track. Definitely a life I could enjoy.
ReplyDeleteThe track really is amazing :) It can also really burn a person out too though.
DeleteZoinks. You need an insta-bed to fall into every evening!
ReplyDeleteAn insta-bed would be perfect :)
DeleteYou win at the most exciting days everrrrr
ReplyDeleteThere certainly aren't many dull moments :)
DeleteTracklife...not for the faint of heart, you go girl!
ReplyDeleteIt's certainly not easy.
DeleteThanks for playing along! Life at the track sure is hectic!
ReplyDeleteGreat idea!
ReplyDeleteYou're welcome any time :)
DeleteAhem you don't know that I'm legit going to email you about this now. ;)
DeleteFeel free :)
Deletelove this - i'm always interested in hearing more about what really goes on at the track. also - was that a cat in a saddle??? lol nice
ReplyDeleteThanks! Yes, he was :)
DeleteReading this makes me want to simultaneously work at and not work at a racetrack. What a crazy day!
ReplyDeleteThere are definitely a lot of ups and downs, but for the most part it is very challenging, interesting, and fun.
DeleteI was hoping to participate in this blog hop but if I whine about my day after reading this i think I'll need to be blacklisted for being a wuss. What a hectic but fulfilling life you lead *bow-down* I'm not worthy!
ReplyDeleteI think all of us lead pretty hectic lives :) I'd love to hear about your daily routine!
DeleteI love the inside look at a day in the life at the track! SO COOL. Incredible for its coolness but also the work involved! Wow. I'm amazed you have enough energy to even ride for pleasure!!!
ReplyDeleteI barely had the energy for a long time and most just gave up. Then I figured I'd never be happy without dressage in my life. Now it is what gives me the energy to get through the day :)
DeleteSo glad that you decided to do this! I don't think a lot of people, even some horsey folk, understand how much goes into getting horses ready for the track. It definitely takes a determined & strong work ethic day in and day out (:
ReplyDeleteAw thanks! There is certainly a lot that goes into racing and this just barely touches on it :)
DeleteThat sounds like a great day!
ReplyDeleteFor the most part, it is :)
DeleteInteresting! I bet you are in awesome shape, horsework is so much better than the gym :)
ReplyDeleteWow you stay busy!! It sounds fun but exhausting lol.