Saturday, December 13, 2014

Does the heart ever heal?

I will always miss this sweet, intelligent face greeting me. 

I'd give anything to hear that girly whinny he did when he saw me coming again. No amount of happiness will ever make that go away.

I don't usually do posts like this, I just never want it to seem like I've forgotten Beefs because I never will. 

*Sorry if this is sad, but he was such a huge part of this blog and it just wouldn't be the same if he still didn't have his place in it.


  1. Don't apologize. That's all I posted about when my dog died.. it's our blogs and we can do what we want. I'm sorry you're still hurting. It does get better, but it never goes away. It's been ten months since Storm died and I still cry at night sometimes. *hugs*

  2. No need for apologies. I will read about Beefs any day. Your love is clear. Take care. *hugs*

  3. I am so sorry for your loss. Please continue to share with us. We understand.

  4. I think that sometimes writing it down helps the heart heal. Please continue to write about Beefs and your adventures and love for him. He was a part of you <3

  5. Never apologize for loving. Our friends are such a huge part of our lives whether they are here or not. I still miss my guy Eric and it's been about six years now since he's gone. The pain gets better but there is always that part of our hearts that are broken.

  6. I agree with Cathryn, I think writing about it helps to heal your heart. I still cry when I talk about my old TB Blue. He taught me so much and I carry his memory in a special place in my heart.

  7. *pony hugs* It's been a little over 3 years from when I lost LB and it does get easier. There's going to those things through out your day that'll remind you of him or that song while you're driving in the car. But it does get better. Remember all the good things. That'll help you. :) There will always be that hole in your heart, but your heart will just get bigger and stronger as you go. <3

  8. :-( Time blunts it a little bit, but we always miss them. I'm coming up on 1 year for my old man horse and I'd do anything to get him back the way he was before all the bad things started happening.

    At least he's in good company.

  9. Don't apologize. There's no rule that says a blog has to be happy all the time. Special horses like Beefs leave such a big hole when they go. Hugs.

  10. I don't think there is ever a way we will be 100% again when pets that have left their mark on our hearts leave us...it's a risk we take every time we fall in love.

  11. It does, its just really, really slow and sometimes in the process there is a bubbling and a fissure of emotions that overcomes you and you need to let it take you or else you're suppressing it for something worse later. And it hits you late at night and it hits you in the morning and it hits you every major holiday and it will be a dull ache forever like arthritis in winter.

  12. Beefs was such a cool and special horse - it's important to remember all those little moments

  13. So sorry to hear you're feeling sad. It's your blog; post whatever you'd like. Losing an equine family member is losing a family member. It's okay to feel sad. Eventually the sadness will become softer, and you'll smile when you remember all of the fun times. Hugs to you.

  14. Such a lovely face to miss. Talk about it as much as you want, it's okay.

  15. "Some horses go in and out of our lives, while others leave hoofprints on our hearts" <3

  16. Cried reading this, knowing exactly how you feel right now. Coming home and missing that sweet face - there's just this hole in my heart.

  17. We love hearing about Beefs, share as much or as little as you want of your time with him. Your blog your choice, I can only speak for myself but I'll lap up all and every post you make.
    Love reading about all your adventures & wish we could meet in real life to give you the biggest hug and tell you to please keep being you as you are awesome!!!


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