Saturday, January 10, 2015

Stupidity at it's Finest

Grandpa holding Dragon, a horse he owned part of.

Today I went to visit my grandfather at the rehabilitation facility he is temporarily residing in. The first thing I noticed was how gruff and impatient the nurses and other staff were with the patients. Being mean to old, sick people: NOT okay. The place slightly redeemed itself by having great physical and occupational therapists. After Grandpa's physical therapy, the therapist helped him to the dining room.

As we walk in, the first thing I notice is an old man in a wheelchair unable to lift his head from the table and trying to lift his hands to get to his food. There is no one around helping him. The PT goes storming out looking for the person responsible for him. Three women come in and start arguing over who should be helping him all while the poor guy is still trying to reach for the food on his plate. The PT is so frustrated by their stupidity that she just gives up.

Rada and Grandpa 

I about lost it on them. How ignorant and careless can someone possibly be? How stupid? It wasn't just negligent, but flat out cruel. These three women could care less about the man and their main priority was getting out of having to deal with him. What a bunch of selfish, heartless shits!

Unfortunately, this was the only place medicare would approve. Fortunately, Grandpa probably only has to be there for a week or two.


  1. What an incredibly tough and sad situation. I hope your grandfather has a short stay. Those photos are really moving.

  2. That makes me SO angry! And breaks my heart at the same time. That poor man...

  3. Ugh that's ridiculous. So, so heartbreaking for those people. :(

  4. I'm so sorry your grandpa is having to go through this, many thoughts for
    healing. Hope you are holding up ok too, remember to keep hugging the horses.

  5. Ugh. So sorry to hear that. Unfortunately. all too common a problem. The way we treat our elderly in this country is terrible. Unfortunately, the CNA position is a low-education requirement, low paying position, but it is a physically, mentally and emotionally demanding one. The ones who lose the most are the patients, that end up being treated as tasks to do instead of human beings. :( I wish a speedy and full recovery for your grandpa.

  6. Thank goodness your g-pa won't be there for too long. :(

  7. Abysmal, so sorry for the man and all those who have to stay there for long stretches of time.
    I wish your G'pa a speedy recovery and hope that karma distributes some payback on those heartless people.

  8. yikes - definitely doesn't sound like a great situation :( good luck and hope he is feeling better (and out of there!) soon!

  9. I'm so sorry. I hate rehab facilities. I have heard so many bad things about them and my grandma died in one (potassium tanked and they didn't even notice until she was too far gone). I hope his stay is short and that he gets out soon and is doing well.


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